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2015Возможности новых лекарственных форм на основе циклодекстрипов в ветеринарной практикеЗаводник, Л. Б.; Белявский, В. Н.; Будько, Т. Н.; Хоха, А. М.; Палеч, Б.
2015Solubility study of the interaction between pamam G4 dendrimer and fludarabine in aqueous solutionBelica-Pacha, S.; Buczkowski, A.; Zavodnik, L. B.; Palecz, B.
2015Interaction between B-cyclodextrin and selected fungicide and pesticide in waterPalecz, B.; Stepniak, A.; Belica-Pacha, S.; Zavodnik, L. В.; Bialiauski, V. N.
2015Studies of sertraline hydrochloride and cyclodextrins in aqueous solutionBelica-Pacha, S.; Buczkowski, A.; Zavodnik, L. B.; Zavodnik, I. B.; Palecz, B.
2015Характеристика общественно-профессиональных организаций крестьян, действующих в сельской местности в ПольшеМицкевич, А.; Мицкевич, Б.; Юрчак, Р.
2015Historical conditions of the functioning of agricultural cooperatives in PolandMickiewicz, А.; Mickiewicz, В.; Jurczak, R.
2015The role of the tourist potential of predominantly rural areas and the impact of neighbouring areas on the evaluation of their tourist and investment attractivenesWitkowska-Dąbrowska, M.; Napiórkowska-Baryła, A.; Jesus Ilisio Manuel De
2015Process of expanding the European union through accession of new member statesMickiewicz, A.; Mickiewicz, B.; Jurczak, R.
2015The role of the tourist potential of predominantly rural areas and the impact of neighbouring areas on the evaluation of their tourist and investment attractivenesWitkowska-Dąbrowska, M.; Napiórkowska-Baryła, A.; esus Ilisio Manuel De
2015The housing marginalisation threat to households in the province of Warmia and MazuryNapiórkowska-Baryła, A.